Sunday 2 October 2011

The Use Of Lenses in Optical Dvices

 The Differences between Microscope and Telescope
                  The Compound Microscope
  -We use it to view very small objects.

  -Microscope consists of two convex lenses:
      a)The objective 
     -the lens which is nearest to object.
     -a powerful convex lens with a short focal length.
     -focal length of the objective is fo.
     -the lens which is nearest to the eye.
     -eyepiece has a longer focal length than the objective.
     -focal length of the eyepiece is fe.

                          The Telescope

    -Astronomical telescope consists of two convex lenses:
        a)The objective.
        b)The eyepiece.
    -The objective is a convex lens with a wide aperture and long focal length to  enable the telescope collect as much light as possible. 
    -Eyepiece is a convex lens of short focal length.
    -The picture shows three actual rays coming from the top of a distant object.Since the object is far away,the rays are assumed to be parallel when incident on objective lens.
    -The rays at point I will emerge parallel from the eyepiece and appear to come from the top of final image at infinity.
    -The total distance between the objective and the eyepiece is = fo+fe
    -The magnifying power of the telescope :
    -If the power of eyepiece is increasing,the power of objective is reducing,it can give a high magnification.

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